Finding Wellness
The wellness space is cluttered with gurus who swear they have the best solution but the truth is only YOU know what works best for you and your body, mind and spirit. We've been conditioned to think of health as thinness or the absence of illness. But we need to start thinking more holistically beyond just what our body looks and feels like. My goal is to help you look at your whole life: your career, your spirituality, your mental health, your environement, etc. to see how you can support your overall health and wellbeing. Get curious, listen to your body, and start making small shifts today that will have a big impact tomorrow! You are worth the time, money, energy and effort required to live a full, complete, happy and healthy life!
Finding Wellness
150. It's OK to have body goals but I don't miss the person I was 5 or 10 years ago
Today we're talking about the gym, summer shred programs, wanting to lose weight and get back to your old self. For me, I've come to a place where I do have weight loss goals BUT I'm not attached to an actual "goal weight". I have an idea in my head around the weight I was when I felt strong and fast. BUT I wouldn't trade who I am today for who I was then. That person was a hangry bitch. She was full of anxiety and her coping skills were limited to spending hours doing cardio and drinking too much. I don't want to be that person and it's OK if I never see that weight again.
I hope this episode resonates with you! If it does, hit me up on Instagram and let's chat!
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